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Oceania Newsletter 11/12, February/August 1993


Chris Ballard

Prehistory Department, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.

A list of references to the Dani people and the Baliem region published since, or not included in, J.van Baal, K.W. Galis and R.M. Koentjaraningrat eds. (1984) West Irian: A Bibliography.

This bibliography offers an incomplete listing to supplement the references to the Dani and the Baliem Valley covered in the van Baal, Galis and Koentjaraningrat bibliography. The advice and assistance of Anton Ploeg in compiling this bibliographic note is gratefully acknowledged.

Allen, B., 1987, Into the Crocodile Nest: a journey inside New Guinea. London: Macmillan.

Ballard, C., 1988, 'Report on an archaeological survey in the Jayapura and Grand Baliem Valley areas of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, February-March, 1987', Ts.10pp.

Bromley, H.M., 1956, Notities over oorlog en hoofdengezag in de Baliem. Unpublished us., June.

Bromley, H.M., 1967, 'The linguistic relationships of Grand Valley Dani: a lexico-statistical classification'. Oceania 37(4):286-308.

Bromley, H.M., 1970, 'The foundation of the dwelling: an introductory view of the religion of the Lower Grand Valley Dani'. Unpublished Ms.

Bromley, H.M. 1981, A Grammar of Lower Grand Valley Dani. Pacific Linguistic Series C. No.63.

Bromley, H.M., 1990, 'The Highlanders of Irian Jaya: whence?' Paper presented at a conference on The Mek and their neighbours, 17-22 October 1990, Andechs, Bavaria.

Budiardjo, C. and L.S. Liong, 1988, West Papua; the obliteration of a people. Third edition. Thornton Heath, Surrey: TAPOL. [Appendix I: 'Military report of incidents in the District of Jayawijaya in 1977.']

Burgler, R., 1966, 'Irian Jaya; acculturation among the Danis.' Critique of Anthropology 6 (2): 49-61.

Diamond, J.M., 1988, 'The last first contacts'. Natural History 97(8): 28-31.

Dimara, D., 1985. Konversi hutan dan perladangan di dearah lereng guning study Kasus di Kecamatan Kurulu - Lembah Baliem, Irian Jaya. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Departemen Antropologi, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Elsmore, R.T., 1945, 'New Guinea's mountain and swampland dwellers'. National Geographic Magazine 88(6): 670-694.

Evans, J., 1988, 'Faith, hope and incomprehension.' The Geographical Magazine 60(4):11-17.

Gajdusek, D.C., 1960a. Mulia, a Ndani speaking Highland population suffering from Hyperendemic Goitrous Cretinism. Netherlands New Guinea. May 8-13, 1960. 16mm sound and colour film on deposit in the Film Archive for the Study of Child Growth and Development and Disease Patterns in Primitive Cultures, national institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, Bethesda, Maryland.

Gajdusek, D.C., 1960b, 'Journal of a trip to the Mulia Valley in the Central Highlands to study goitrous cretinism in a region of hyperendemic goiter, May 9, 1960 to May 16, 1960. in D.C. Gajdusek West New Guinea Journal, May 6, 1960 to July 10, 1960, Bethesda, Maryland: National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, National Institutes of Health.

Gardner, R.G., 1969, 'Chronicles of the human experience: Dead Birds.' Film Library Quarterly 10: 125-135. See also 1976 reprint in R.M. Barsam (ed.) Nonfiction Film Theory and Criticism. New York: E.P. Dutton, pp. 342-348.

Gardner, R.G., 1972, 'On the making of Dead Birds.' in K.G. Heider (ed.) The Dani of West Irian: an ethnographic companion to the film Dead Birds. New York: Warner Modular Publications Inc. pp. 31-35.

Giay, B., 1986, Kargoisme di Irian Jaya. Sentani: Percekatan Yapelin.

Haberle, S.G., 1986, Palaeoecology of the Baliem Valley, Republic of Indonesia. Unpublished B.A. Hons. thesis. Australian National University.

Haberle, S.G., G.S. Hope and Y. DeFretes, 1991, 'Environmental change in the Baliem Valley, montane Irian Jaya, Republic of Indonesia', Journal of Biogeography 19 (1): 25-40.

Harrer, H., 1963, Ich komme aus der Steinzeit. Verlag Ullstein GmbH.

Harrer, H., 1964, I Come From the Stone Age. London: Rupert Hart-Davis.

Harrer, H., 1978, "Von den Danis', in H. Harrer (ed,.), Unter Papuas. mensch und Kultur seit ihrer Steinzeit. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch, pp. 9-25.

Hayward, D., 1983a, 'From tribal economics to a market- oriented economy.' Irian 11(2/3): 1-29.

Hayward, D., 1983b, 'Time and society in Dani culture'. Irian 11 (2/3): 30-56.

Hayward, D., 1983a, 'A social soundness analysis of community development projects being undertaken among the Western Dani of Irian Jaya, Indonesia.' Irian 11 (2/3): 57-92.

Heider, E., 1972, 'Dani colour names.' Ts.

Heider, K.G., 1969, 'Sweet potato notes and lexical queries, or, the problem of all those names for sweet potatoes in the New Guinea Highlands.' Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 41: 78-86.

Heider, K.G., 1975a, 'What do people do? Dani auto- ethnography.' Journal of Anthropological Research 31 (1): 3-17.

Heider, K.G., 1975b, 'Inconsistencies and elaborations; two lexical studies of Dani cognition'. Seminar paper.

Heider, K.G., 1976, 'Dani sexuality: a low energy system'. Man 11(2): 188-201. [Given incorrectly in van Baal et al as volume 2 number 2]

Heider, K.G., 1977, 'Dani sexuality'. Man 12(1): 167- 168.

Heider, K.G., 'From Javanese to Dani: the translation of a game.' in P. Stevens, Jr. (ed.) Studies in the Anthropology of Play: papers in memory of B. Allan Tindall. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play.

Heider, K.G., 1978, 'Accounting for variation: a nonformal analysis of Grand Valley Dani kinship terms'. Journal of Anthropological Research (34(2): 219- 262.

Heider, K.G., 1990, 'Grand Valley Dani sexuality and its cultural basis'. Paper presented at a conference on The Mek and their neighbours, 17-22 October 1990. Andechs, Bavaria.

Heider, K.G., 1991, Grand Valley Dani: peaceful warriors. Second edition, with new chapter, 'Return to the Dani, 1988'. Fort Worth: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Heider, K.G., n.d.a., Dani Patterns: a psychological ethnography of a New Guinea culture. Ms.

Heider, K.G., n.d.b. 'Nonverbal studies of Dani anger and sexual expressions: experimental method in videotape ethnography'. Ms. [see Heider 1975a:17]

Heider, K.G., n.d.c. 'Dani patterns: ethos, cognition and sexuality in the New Guinea Highlands'. Ms.

Holmes, C.H., 1953, 'Hidden people of the high valleys'. Walkabout 19 (8): 10-19.

Horne, S., 1973, An Hour from the Stone Age. Chicago: Moody Press.

Kostermans, A.J.G.H., 1969, 'A New Guinea cinnamon used as a contraceptive', Reinwardtia 7(5): 539-41.

La Achamdi, 1988, 'Ubi Jalar, Jenis Kultivar dan Sistem Pembudidayaannya di Lembah Baliem Kabupaten Jaya Wijaya'. In Proceedings of Seminar, Ubi-Ubian Irian Jaya, Juli 1988. Fakultas Pertanian, Uncen Manokwari. Manokwari: Universitas Cenderiwasih.

Lam, H.J., 1922, 'Nieuw-Guineesche aspecten'. De Troopische Natuur 11:38-45.

Larson, G.F., 1960, 'Lessons in Western Dani'. Mimeo. llaga: CAMA.

Larson, G.F., 1962a, 'The fetish burning movement among the Western Dani Papuans. 'Working Papers in Dani Ethnology 1:54-58.

Larson, G.F., 1962b, 'Warfare and feuding in the llage Valley.' Working Papers in Dani Ethnology 1:32- 39.

Larson, G., 1987, The Structure and Demography of the Cycle of Warfare among the llaga Dani of Irian Jaya. Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan. Published in 1987 by University Microfilms,. Ann Arbor.

Mampioper, A., 1980, Mengenal beberapa aspek budaya suku Dani Jayapura: Biro Kesejahteraan Rakyat Sekretariat Wilayah Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya.

Mangen, J.M., 1983, Botanical Exploration in the Baliem Valley and on Mount Trikora (Irian Jaya, Indonesia) 1982. Unpublished report, Luxembourg.

Mangen, J.M., 1986, Etude phytogéographique et écologique du Mt. Trikora (Nouvelle-Guinée). Unpublished thesis, 3ieme cycle, Toulouse III.

Monbiot, G., 1989a, Poisoned Arrows: an investigative journey through Indonesia. London: Michael Joseph.

Monbiot, G., 1989b, 'Of pigs and punners in the Stone Age'. The Independent, Saturday 4th March, p.39.

Naylor, L.L., 1974, Culture Change and Development in the Baliem Valley, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Ph.D. thesis, Southern Illinois University ar Carbondale.

Naylor, L.L., 1977, Culture Change and Development in the Baliem Valley, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.

O'Brien, D., 1966, 'A twentieth-century stone age culture'. Discovery 1:31-37.

O'Brien, D., 1973, 'Pioneers vs traditionalists: patterns in Dani acculturation.' Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society, March 1973.

O'Brien, D., 1974, 'Men named sky: political aspects of shamanism and witchcraft among the Konda Valley Dani'. Paper presented for Symposium on Sorcery, Witchcraft and Magic in the New Guinea Highlands. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.

Osborne, R., 1985, Indonesia's Secret War: the guerilla struggle in Irian Jaya. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.

Pavert, J. van de, 1986, 'Ima wusan: a purification ritual among the Dani of West Irian.' UNITAS 59(1). Manilla: University of Santo Tomas.

Pétrequin, A.-M. and P., 1988, 'Ethnoarchéologie de l'habitat en grotte de Nouvelle-Guinée: une transposition de l'espace social et économique.' Bulletin du Centre Genevois d'Anthropologie 1988- 1:61-82.

Pétrequin, P., 1988, 'De l'outil en pierre a la hache chez les Dani d'Irian Jaya (Indonesia). Actes du Colloque International de la Fondation Fyssen. Versailles. Ts. 12 pp.

Pétrequin, P. and A.-M. Pétrequin, 1990, 'Haches de Yeleme, hermiettes de Mumyeme: la répartition des lames de pierre polie en Irian Jaya central (Indonesie). Journal de la Société des Oceanistes 91(2):95-113.

Ploeg, A., 1988, 'Legacies of an unknown past'. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 144(4):510- 522.

Ploeg, A., 1989, 'Bokondini and Grand Valley: a second attempt at comparison'. In J.Pouwer and P.Haenen (eds.) Peoples on the Move; current themes of anthropological research in New Guinea. Nijmegen: Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Nijmegen, pp.57-77.

Pontius, A. (1977a), 'Dani sexuality'. Man 12 (1):166- 167.

Pontius, A.A. (1977b) 'Drawings of the body with phallocrypt contraptions of Baliem Valley Dani in West New Guinea: clues for means of popular control?' Journal of the American Medical Women's Association 32 (6):203- 211.

Sarjent. W., 1976, People of the Valley; life with a cannibal tribe in New Guinea. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd.

Sawor, T., 1991. 'Sweet potato cultivation systems in Irian Jaya, Indonesia'. In Sweet Potato Cultures of Asia and South Pacific: proceedings of the 2nd Annual UPWARD International Conference. Los Banos, Philippines: UPWARD, pp. 206-212.

Schroo, I.H., 1961. 'Some pedological data concerning soils in the Baliem Valley, Netherlands New Guinea. Boor en Spade. Mededelingen van de Stichting voor Bodemkartering 11:84-103.

Scovill, D., 1975a. 'Dani social values and the importance of the social event.' Culture Study Papers, UFM General Conference.

Scovill, D., 1975b, 'Gardening: an event which expresses the "social soul" of the Dani society'. Part 1, 6 pp.

Scovill, D., 1984, 'The Dani world view'. A Ministry Prospective Project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. Columbia, South Carolina: Columbia Graduate School of Bible and Missions.

Shankman, P., 1991, 'Culture contact, cultural ecology and Dani warfare'. Man (n.s.) 26(2):299-321.

Soenarto, 1989, 'Agro-ecological analysis of Wen Hipere, a local potato cultivation system at Baliem Valley, Irian Jaya'. Manokwari; Faculty of Agriculture, Uncen, Manokwari.

Stap, P.A.M. van der, 1961, Woordenlijst Dani-Nederlands. Wamena. Unpublished ts.

Stap, P.A.M. van der, 1962, Spraakleer en grammatica van het Dani. Wamena. Unpublished ts.

Strelan, J.G. and J.A. Godschalk, 1989, Kargoisme di Melanesia. Jayapura: Pusat Studi Irian Jaya.

Stürzenhofecker, G., 1991, 'Border crossings: Papua New Guinea models in Irian Jaya'. Bijdragen tot de Taal- , Land- en Volkenkunde 147(2/3): 298-325.

Tucker, F., 1980, 'Report on a feasibility study ion agriculture possibilities in the North Baliem Valley'. Ms.

Veldkamp, F., 1958, 'Nota over de Baliem-Vallei van Controleur F. Veldkamp'. Hollandia Ms.

Verstappen, H.Th., 1960, 'Some observations on karst development in the Malay Archipelago'. The Journal of Tropical Geography 14:1-10.

Versteegh, C., 1961, List of plantnames in the Dani- language. Uitgave Boswezen Ned. Nieuw-Guinea no. 336.

Vries, I. de, 1987, Acceptatie en Resistentie: ecologisch milieu, heksen en genusverhoudingen en de reacties van twee Dani groepen op de vestiging van de blanken in hun woongebied. Unpublished M.A. thesis. Department of Anthropology, Free University, Amsterdam.

Wagstaff, S., 1978, Kolo's Family. London: A. & C. Black in association with ILEA.

Watson, J.B., 1981, 'Horsemen of the Apocalypse; two case studies from New Guinea." Reviews in Anthropology 8 (3): 263-286.

White, T., 1985, 'Irian Jaya'. Caves and Caving. 29:38- 39.

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