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Pacific Film Distributors


Organizations are listed alphabetically by their full name or their acronyms, depending on the way they are indicated in the database. Individuals are listed alphabetically by their last name.

Action 7

- Old: 21 avenue du 11 Novembre, Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon 69110, France; Phone


Agence Nationale Pour l'Insertion de la Promotion des Travailleurs d'Outre-Mer (ANT)

- Old: 3 rue de Brissac, Paris, 75004, France; Phone 1-

- New: Site http://www.ant.fr/


Audio-Visual Center, University of Wichita

- Old: Wichita 8, Kansas, USA


Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

- New: GPO Box 9994, Sydney NSW 2001, Australia; Phone (61) 2-8333-3173; Email progsales@your.abc.net.au; Site http://www.abc.net.au/programsales/


Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS)

- Old: Australian Film and Television School, 13-15 Lyonpark Road, North Rye, NSW 2113, Australia

- New: Jerzy Toeplitz Library, Australian Film, Televison and Radio School, The Entertainment Quarter, 130 Bent St, Moore Park NSW 2021, PO Box 2286, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012, Australia; Phone +61 (0)2 9805 6440;  Fax +61 (0)2 9805 6665; Email library@aftrs.edu.au

Anderson, Doug

- Old: PO Box 990, Crows Nest, NSW 2065, Australia


Artfilm Aktiebolag

- Old: Thor Heyerdahl, Artfilm Aktiebolag, Kungsholmastorg 6, Stockholm, Sweden


Arundel Productions

- Old: 20 Arundel Street, Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia; Phone 02-660-83.06

- New: PO Box 574, Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia; Phone (02) 9660 8306; Fax (02) 9552 3708


Les Ateliers Varan

- Old: Varan: Ateliers de Realisation Cinematographique

- New: Ateliers Varan: Centre de Formation à la Réalisation Documentaire, 6 Impasse Mont-Louis, 75011 Paris, France; Phone +33 (0)1 43 56 64 04 - Fax +33 (0)1 43 56 29 02; Site http://www.ateliersvaran.com/


Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign

- Old: 120 Bunda Street, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

- New: Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign Inc, 2-4 Belleuve St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia; Phone 02 2812188


Australian Information Service

- Old: PO Box 12, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia


Australian National Film and Sound Archive

- New: Site http://screensound.gov.au/


Axe Films

- Old: 27 rue de Charonne, Paris, 75011, France


BBC Film Hire Library

- Old: BBC Enterprises, Film Hire Library, Woodston House, Oundle Road, Petersborough PE2 9PZ, UK; Phone 0733-52.25.78


Berenice P. Bishop Museum

- Old: Film Archive Library, PO Box 19000-a, 1355 Kalihi Street, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA; Phone 808-847.35.11

- New: 1525 Bernice Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817, USA; Phone 808.847.3511; Fax 808.841.8968; Site http://www.bishopmuseum.org/


Brigham Young University

- New: University Hill, Provo, UT 84604, USA; Phone (801)422-4000; Email it@byu.edu; Site http://it.byu.edu


British Film Institute (BFI)

- New: British Film Institute; Site http://www.bfi.org.uk/


CBS Television Network

- Old: 51, W 52nd Street, New York, NY 10019, USA; Phone 212-975.43.21

- New: Site http://www.cbs.com/


Cine Pic Hawaii

- New: George Tahara, 1847 Pacific Heights Road, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA; Phone (808) 533-2677


CNC / Service des Archives du Film

- Old: Centre National de la Cinematographie / Service des Archives du Film, Batterie, Bois d'Arcy 78390, France; Phone

- New: Email philippe.brunetaud@cnc.fr


CNRS Images

- Old: Marielle Delorme, CNRS Audio-Visuel, 27 rue Paul Bert, Ivry-sur-Seine Cedex, 94204, France

- New: CNRS Images; Site http://videotheque.cnrs.fr/



- Old: 10 rue Hamelin, 75016 Paris, France


Contemporary Films

- Old: 55 Greek Street, London, UK; Phone 01-434.26.23

- New: 24 Southwood Lawn Road, London N6 5SF, UK; Phone +44 (0)20 8340 5715; Fax +44 (0)20 8348; Email inquiries@contemporaryfilms.com; Site http://www.contemporaryfilms.com/


Cultural and Educational Media

- Old: 1675 8th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122, UAS; Phone 415-566.86.66


Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie, Leiden Universiteit

- New: Mw R. Dolores Reeder-Gunther, kamer 4B42, Visuele Etnografie, Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie, Pieter de la Court gebouw, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden, Netherlands; Phone +31 (0)71 5273481; Email reeder@fsw.leidenuniv.nl


Documentary Educational Resources (DER)

- New: 101 Morse Street, Watertown, MA 02472, USA; Phone 800-569-6621 or 617-926-0491; Fax 617-926-9519; Email docued@der.org; Site http://www.der.org/


Douglas Aircraft Corporation

- Old: 3000 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90406, USA


Éditions Robert Laffont

- Old: 6 place St. Sulpice, 75006 Paris; Phone

- New: 24 avenue Marseau, 75381 Paris Cedex 08, France; Phone; Site http://www.laffont.fr/


Educational Media Collection, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

- New: Educational Media Collection; Site http://www.css.washington.edu/emc/


Extension Media Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA

- Old: 2223 Fulton Street, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA; Phone 415-642.04.60

- New: 2176 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA; Phone 510-642-0460 (preview or rent) and

510-642-5578 (purchase)


Film Australia

- New: National Sales Executive, 101 Eton Road, PO Box 46, Lindfield, NSW 2070, Australia; Phone (61) 2-413-8634; Fax (61) 2-416-9401; Email sales@filmaust.com.au; Site http://www.filmaust.com.au/


Fonds Henri Storck

- New: 19 F avenue des Arts, B-1040 Bruxelles, Belgique; Phone 32 2 219 63 33; Fax. 32 2 217 91 97; Email  info@fondshenristorck.be;  Site http://www.fondshenristorck.be


O'Rourke and Associates Filmmakers

- Old: GPO Box 199, 48 Girrahween Street, Canberra, ACT 2601; Phone 062-47.23.31


Film Study Center, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

- New: 24 Quincy Steet, Cambridge MA 02138, USA


Les Films de la Pleïade

- Old: 95 avenue des Champs-Elysees, Paris, 75008, France


Les Films du Losange

- Old: Phone 1- or 1-

- New: Les Films du Losange, 22 avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75116 Paris, France; Site http://www.filmsdulosange.fr/


Focal Communications

- Old: 123 Clarence Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia; Phone 02-290.14.99


Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek

- New: Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek e.V., Potsdamer Straße 2, D-10785 Berlin, Germany; Phone +49-30-26955-100; Fax +49-30-26955-111; Email fdk@fdk-berlin.de; Site http://www.fdk-berlin.de


International Film Foundation (IFF)

- New: c/o Sam Bryan, #17-B, 322 Central Park West, New York, NY 10025-7629, USA; Email samkbryan@aol.com; Phone 212.666.2324; Site http://www.internationalfilmfoundation.com/


Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film (IWF)

- New: Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film, Nonnenstieg 72, 3-3400 Göttingen, Germany; Phone 05-51-2020, Fax: 05-51-202200; Email: webmaster@iwf.de; Site: http://www.iwf.de/


Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies

- Old: PO Box 1432, Boroko 111, Papua New Guinea; Phone (675) 325-4644; Fax (675) 325-0531;

Email: ipngs@global.net.pg


KIT (Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen/Royal Tropical Institute)

- New:  Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands;  Phone + 31 20 568 8711; Fax + 31 20 668 4579


Martin and Osa Johnson Safari Museum

- New: The Martin and Osa Johnson Safari Museum, 111 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chanute, Kansas 66720; Phone 620-431-2730; Email osasark@yahoo.com; Site http://www.safarimuseum.com/


Media Resources Center, Moffit Library, University of California, Berkeley

- New: MRC; Site http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/

- Old: University of California Extension Media Center, 2223 Fulton Street, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA; Phone 415-642.04.60



- New: 10250 Constellation Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90067-6421, USA; Site http://www.mgm.com/


Milestone Films

- New: P.O. Box 128, Harrington Park, New Jersey 07640-0128, USA; Phone 800.603.1104; Fax 201.767.3035; Email milefilms@gmail.com; Site http://www.milestonefilms.com/


Milwaukee Public Museum

- New: 800 W Wells St, Milwaukee, WI 53233, USA; Site http://www.mpm.edu/


Museum of Modern Art

- New: Museum of Modern Art, Circulating Film Library, 11 West 53rd Street, New York, NY 10019, USA; Site http://www.moma.org/.


New Zealand National Film Unit

- Old: PO Box 46-002 (Fairway Drive), Lower Hutt, New Zealand; Phone 04-67.20.59; New Zealand Embassy, Mauritskade 25, 2511 HH Den Haag, The Netherlands; Phone 070-46.93.24

- New: Site http://audiovisual.archives.govt.nz/wiki/index.php/Main_Page


National Geographic Educational Services

- Old: National Geographic Society, PO Box 2895, Washington, DC 20013, USA


National Australian Film and Sound Archive

- New: Email access@nfsa.gov.au; Site http://www.nfsa.gov.au/;


National Institute of Health

- New: 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA; Phone 301-496-4000; Email NIHinfo@od.nih.gov

- Old: D.C. Gajdusek, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD 20014, USA


National Research Institute (NRI)

- New: National Research Institute. PO Box 5854, Boroko, NCD, Papua New Guinea; Phone (675) 326-0300, Fax (675) 326-0213 (formerly Intitute of  Papua New Guinea Studies); Site: http://www.nri.org.pg


Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid

- New: http://instituut.beeldengeluid.nl/


Nippon A-V Productions

- New: 3-2-14 Kanda-jimbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Phone 03-3234-2727; Fax 03-3234-3008


Nomad Films

- Old: PO Box 6817, Boroko, Papua New Guinea


Paramount Pictures

- New: 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90038-3197, USA; Site http://www.paramount.com/


Park Road Post Production

- Oud: New Zealand National Film Unit, PO Box 46-002 (Fairway Drive), Lower Hutt, New Zealand; Phone 04-67.20.59

- New: Park Road Post Production [Peter Jackson], 141 Park Road, PO Box 15132, Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand; Phone + 64 4 380 7800; Fax +64 4 380 7331; Email parkroad@parkroad.co.nz


Pegasus Films

- Old:  5 Sycamore Villas, West View, Mold, Clwyd, Wales, UK; Phone +44.0352.4397

- New:  2 Sycamore Villas, West View, Mold, Clwyd, Wales, UK; Phone +44.0352.4397


Phoenix Films

- Old: 470 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, USA; Phone 212-684.59.10


Rank Film Library

- Old: PO Box 200, Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9HR, UK


Robert Klinkert Filmproduktie/Television News

- New: Kronenburgerstraat 35, 1271 PJ Huizen; Phone 035-525.7757; Postbus 135, 1270 AC Huizen, Netherlands


Ronin Films

- Old: Andrew Pike, Ronin Films, PO Box 1005, 7 Lonsdale Street, Braddon, ACT Canberra; Phone 062-48.08.51; Telex ronin aa62238

- New: Ronin Films, PO Box 1005, Civic Square, ACT 2608, Australia; Phone 61-2-6248-0851; Fax 61-2-6249-1640; Email orders@roninfilms.com.au;  Site http://www.roninfilms.com.au



- New: Binnenhof 19, 2513 AA Den Haag, The Netherlands; PO Box 20009, 2500 EA Den Haag, The Netherlands; Phone +31 (0)70-356.40.00; Fax +31 (0)70-356.46.83; Site http://www.minaz.nl


Secrétariat d'État Chargé de l'Outre-Mer

- Old: Secretariat d'État auprès du Ministre de l'Interieur et de la Décentralisation chargé des Départements et Territoires d'Outre-Mer (Secretariat d'État aux DOM-TOM), 27 rue Oudinot, 75007 Paris, France; Phone 1-

- New: Secrétariat d'État Chargé de l'Outre-Mer, 27 rue Oudinot, 75358 Paris 07 SP, France; Phone



- Old: WNET-13, 356 W 58th Street, New York, NY 10019, USA; Phone 212-560.20.00

- New: Thirteen/WNET, 450 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001, USA; Phone 212-560-1313; Fax 212-560-1314; Email programming@thirteen.org



- Old: 161 rue du Faubourg-St Antoine, Paris 75008, France; Phone 1-


Television New Zealand (TVNZ)

- New: Site http://www.tvnz.co.nz/


University of Hawai'i at Manoa (UHM)

- New: University of Hawai'i at Manoa. See Moving Images Website at the Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa; Site http://www.hawaii.edu/oceanic/film/


United World Films Inc

- Old: 221 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003, USA


New York Film Library

- Old: 26 Wahington Place, New York, NY 10003, USA


Villeminot, Jacques and Betty

- Old: Jacques and Betty Villeminot, 16 rue de Varize, Paris, 75016, France


Von Klein-Smid Center

- Old: Von KleinSmid Center (VKC) 213, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA

- New: The Von KleinSmid Center, University of Southern California, 3518 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0048, USA; Phone (213)-740-1769; Email vkc@usc.edu


WIDE Management

- New: WIDE Management, 40 rue Sainte-Anne, 75002 Paris, France; Phone + 33 1 53 95 04 64; Fax +33 1 53 95 04 65; Email wide@widemanagement.com; Site http://www.widemanagement.com


Zumbiehl, Paul

- Old: 3a rue Pasteur, Kogelbach, Colmar, 68000, France; Phone 89-27.38.62



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