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Oceania Newsletter 46, June 2007


Anthropology  and  Cultural  History  in  Asia  and  the  Indo-Pacific


The Series Editors, Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern, would be pleased to receive prospectuses from authors for the following Series:


Anthropology and Cultural History in Asia and the Indo-Pacific


This series offers a fresh and unique perspective on Asian Anthropology that joins Asian studies with the wider Indo-Pacific region. The inclusion of the Indo-Pacific region in this Series acknowledges the increasing impact of transnational flows of ideas and practices across geographical borders, especially within Asia and the Indo-Pacific region. It also widens the net for including good ethnographically and historically grounded books in the arenas of local-global relations, continuity and change, and emerging analytical issues dealing with topics such as kinship, politics, conflict, ritual and other contemporary themes in this region of the world. The series publishes scholarly single-authored or collaborative texts or thematically organized sets of essays that will appeal to a multidisciplinary range of readers.


Titles in the Series include:


-  Aboriginal Art, Identity and Appropriation, Elizabeth Burns Coleman


-  Domestic Mandala: Architecture of Lifeworlds in Nepal, John Gray


-  Expressive Genres and Historical Change: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Taiwan, Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern (Editors). With chapters by Andrew Strathern and Pamela J. Stewart, Alan Rumsey, Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern, Anne Schiller, Janet Hoskins, Tai-li Hu, Lisette Josephides, and Volker Heeschen


-  Family, Gender and Kinship in Australia: The Social and Cultural Logic of Practice and Subjectivity, Allon J. Uhlmann


-  Going the Whiteman's Way: Kinship and Marriage among Australian Aborigines, David McKnight,


-  The Making of Global and Local Modernities in Melanesia: Humiliation, Transformation and the Nature of Cultural Change, Joel Robbins and Holly Wardlow (Editors), With chapters by Marshall Sahlins, Joel Robbins, Holly Wardlow, Stephen Leavitt, Eric Silverman, Douglas Dalton, Lisette Josephides, Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern, Aletta Biersack, Frederick Errington and Deborah Gewertz, Karen Sykes, David Akin, and Robert Foster


-  Of  Marriage, Violence and Sorcery: The Quest for Power in Northern Queensland, David McKnight


- Other titles are forthcoming in 2007


Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern

Department of Anthropology

3H01 W.W. Posvar Hall

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh PA, 15260 USA



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