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Oceania Newsletter 46, June 2007




[Mistakes occasionally occur in this section. We are happy to receive corrections that will be noted in our online database.]




BOSSEN, C. (2006). Chiefs Made War and War Made State? War and Early State Formation in Ancient Fiji and Hawaii. In T. Otto, H. Thrane & H. Vandkilde (Eds.), Warfare and Society: Archaeological and Social Anthropologica Perspectives (pp. 237-260). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.


BURTON, J. (2007). The Anthropology of Personal Identity: Intellectual Property Rights Issues in Papua New Guinea, West Papua and Australia. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 18(1), 40-55.


COX, J. (2007). Economic Initiatives for the Poor in Context: Growth from the Grassroots. Development Bulletin #(72), 79-82.


DOUSSET, L. (2007). 'There Has Never Been Such a Thing as a Kin-based Society': A Review Article. Anthropological Forum, 17(1), 61-69. Review article of Maurice Godelier,  Métamorphose de la parenté, Paris: Fayard.


HASSALL, G. (2005). The Bahá'í Faith in the Pacific. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 266-286). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


KAUFMANN, C. (2005). Gerd Koch 11.7.1922-19.4.2005. Baessler-Archiv, 53, 188-193.


LENZ, B. (2005). Die Poesie der Dinge: Surrealistischer Sehen und die Kunst der Südsee 23.11.2005-7.5.2006. Baessler-Archiv, 53, 199-200.


LEVANTIS, T. (2007). The Role of Tourism for Pro-poor Growth in the Pacific. Development Bulletin #(72), 87-92.


LIEBER, M. D., & RYNKIEWISH, M. (2007). Conclusion: Oceanic Conceptions of the Relationship between People and Property. Human Organization, 66(1), 90-97. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


MOFFAT, R. M. (2004). Recent Pacific Publications: Selected Acquisitions, May 2002 - March 2003. Pacific Studies, 27(1/2), 110-118.


MUNRO, D. (2006). H.E. Maude 1906-2006: An Appreciation. The Journal of the Polynesian Society, 115(4), 317.


REILLY, M., & HERDA, P. (2005). Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: An Introduction. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 1-18). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


RJABCHIKOV, S. V. (2007). Materialy po etnografii lyudey paleolita (Materials on the Ethnography of the Paleolithic People). Visnik Mizhnarodnogo doslidnogo tsentru "Lyudina: mova, kul'tura, piznannya", 12(2), 193-219. In Russian.


SIBLEY, J. (2007). Financial Competence as a Tool for Poverty Reduction: Financial Literacy and Rural Banking in the Pacific. Development Bulletin #(72), 23-29.


URIAM, K. K. (2005). Doing Theology in the New Pacific. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 287-311). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


VAN FOSSEN, A. B. (2003). Offshore Gambling in Pacific Islands Havens. Pacific Studies, 26(3/4), 1-32.


VAN MEIJL, T. (2007). Beyond Economics: Transnational Labour Migration in Asia and the Pacific. IIAS Newsletter #(43), 17.


WAGNER, J., & TALAKAI, M. (2007). Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology: Case Studies from Oceania. Human Organization, 66(1), 1-10. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


WETHERELL, D. (2005). The Anglicans in New Guinea and the Torres Strait Islands. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 216-242). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.




AKERMAN, K. (2007). On Kimberley Points and the Politics of Enchantment. Current Anthropology, 48(1), 133. Comments: 133-134  (reply by R. Harrison); 134 (references cited).


ALTMAN, J. (2007). Alleviating Poverty in Remote Indigenous Australia: The Role of the Hybrid Economy. Development Bulletin #(72), 47-51.


ANDERSON, I. (2003). Black Bit, White Bit. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 43-51). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 198-199.


ANDERSON, I. (2003). Introduction: The Aboriginal Critique of Colonial Knowing. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 17-24). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 195-196.


ANDERSON, K., & PERRIN, C. (2007). 'The Miserablest People in the World': Race, Humanism and the Australian Aborigine. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 18(1), 18-39.


BAYET-CHARLTON, F. (2003). Overturning the Doctrine: Indigenous People and Wilderness - Being Aboriginal in the Environment Movement. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 171-180). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231  211-212.


BELL, J. (2003). Australia's Indigenous Languages. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 159-170). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 211.


BIRCH, T. (2003). 'Nothing Has Changed': The Making and Unmaking of Koori Culture. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 145-158). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 208-211.


DODSON, M. (2003). The End in the Beginning: Re(de)fining Aboriginality. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 25-42). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 196-198.


GRACE, J., & CHENHALL, R. (2006). A Rapid Anthropological Assessment of Tuberculosis in a Remote Aboriginal Community in Northern Australia. Human Organization, 65(4), 387-399.


GRACEY, M. S. (2007). Nutrition-related Disorders in Indigenous Australians: How Things Have Changed. The Medical Journal of Australia, 186(1), 15-17.


GROSSMAN, M. (2003). After Aboriginalism: Power, Knowledge and Indigenous Australian Critical Writing. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 1-14). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 194-195.


HAMBY, L. (2007). A Question of Time: Ten Canoes. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 18(1), 123-126. Review article of Ten Canoes. 2006. Directed by Rolf de Heer en Peter Djigirr. Script by Rolf de Heer. 90 min.


HUGGINS, J. (2003). Always Was Always Will Be. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 60-65). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes:  201-202.


KURTZER, S. (2003). Wandering Girl: Who Defines 'Authenticity' in Aboriginal Literature? In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 181-188). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 212.


LANE, R., & WAITT, G. (2007). Inalienable Places: Self-drive Tourists in Northwest Australia. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(1), 105-121.


LANGTON, M. (2003). Aboriginal Art and Film: The Politics of Representation. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 109-124). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 206-207.


LANGTON, M. (2003). Introduction: Culture Wars. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 81-91). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 203-204.


MORETON-ROBINSON, A. (2003). Introduction: Resistance, Recovery and Revitalisation. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 127-131). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 207-208.


MORETON-ROBINSON, A. (2003). Tiddas Talking Up to the White Woman: When Huggins et al. Took on Bell. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 66-77). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 202-203.


MORRISSEY, P. (2003). Aboriginality and Corporation. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 52-65). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 199-201.


MORRISSEY, P. (2003). Moving, Remembering, Singing Our Place. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 189-193). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 213.


NAKATA, M. (2003). Better. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 132-144). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes 208.


NEALE, M. (2003). The Presentation and Interpretation of Aboriginal and Torres Strat Islander Art: The Yiribana Gallery in Focus. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 104-108). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 206.


NEUENFELDT, K. (2007). RAN (Remote Area Nurse) Original Soundtrack Recordings: Music and Songs from the Torres Strait Islands. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 8(1), 109-111.


ONUS, L. (2003). Language and Lasers. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 92-96). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 204-205.


PALMER, L. (2007). Negotiating the Ritual and Social Order through Spectacle: The (Re)Production of Macassan/Yolngu Histories. Anthropological Forum, 17(1), 1-20.


PERKINS, H. (2003). Seeing or Seaming: Contemporary Aboriginal Art. In M. Grossman (Ed.), Blacklines: Contemporary Critical Writing by Indigenous Australians (pp. 97-103). Carton: Melbourne University Publishing. Bibliography: 214-231. Notes: 205-206.


SAETHRE, E. (2007). UFO's, Otherness, and Belonging: Identity in Remote Aboriginal Australia. Social Identities, 13(2), 217-233.


SANSOM, B. (2007). Yulara and Future Expert Reports in Native Title Cases. Anthropological Forum, 17(1), 71-92.


SHELLAM, T. (2007). Making Sense of Law and Disorder. History and Anthropology, 18(1), 77-88.


TONKINSON, R. (2007). Aboriginal 'Difference' and 'Autonomy' Then and Now: Four Decades of Change in a Western Desert Society. Anthropological Forum, 17(1), 41-60.




BARCHAM, M. (2006). Regional Governance Structures in Indigenous Australia: Western Australian Examples. Palmerston North: Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development (CIGAD), Massey University. CIGAD Working Paper No. 1/2006. Retrieved March 22, 2007, from the World Wide Web at:




ALLEN, B., & BOURKE, R. M. (2007). Can Rural Development Alleviate Poverty in Papua New Guinea? Development Bulletin #(72), 30-35.


BANKS, G. (2007). 'Money Rain': Indigenous Engagement with Business Models in Papua New Guinea. Development Bulletin #(72), 36-39.


BRANDT, E. (2006). 'Total Warfare' and the Ethnography of New Guinea. In T. Otto, H. Thrane & H. Vandkilde (Eds.), Warfare and Society: Archaeological and Social Anthropologica Perspectives (pp. 75-88). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.


ELSON, R. E. (2007). Marginality, Morality and the National Impuls: Papua, the Netherlands and Indonesia: A Review Article. Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 122(1), 65-71. Review article of P. Drooglever, Een daad van vrije keuze: De Papoea's van westelijk Nieuw-Guinea en de grenzen van het zelfbeschikkingsrecht, Amsterdam: Boom, 2005.


GILBERTHORPE, E. (2007). Fasu Solidarity: A Case Study of Kin Networks, Land Tenure, and Oil Extraction in Kutubu, Papua New Guinea. American Anthropologist, 109(1), 101-112.


GOLUB, A. (2007). Ironies of Organization: Landowners, Land Registration, and Papua New Guinea's Mining and Petroleum Industry. Human Organization, 66(1), 38-48. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


GOSDEN, C. (2006). Warfare and Colonialism in the Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea. In T. Otto, H. Thrane & H. Vandkilde (Eds.), Warfare and Society: Archaeological and Social Anthropologica Perspectives (pp. 201-210). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.


HALVAKSZ, J. A. (2007). Cannabis and Fantasies of Development: Revaluing Relations through Land in Rural Papua New Guinea. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 18(1), 56-71.


HILLIARD, D. (2005). The God of the Melanesian Mission. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 195-215). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


JACKA, J. (2007). 'Our Skins are Weak’: Ipili Modernity and the Demise of Discipline. In s. Bamford (Ed.), Embodying Modernity and Postmodernity: Ritual, Praxis, and Social Change in Melanesia (pp. 39-67). Durham: Carolina Academic Press. Retrieved March 5, 2007, from the World Wide Web at:


JAHODA, G. (2007). Anthropologist and "Native" in Early Twentieth Century New Guinea: Malinowski and Thurnwald. History and Anthropology, 18(1), 11-24.


JOHNSTONE, J., & FEINBERG, R. (2006). From Oriori to the Everly Brothers: Observations on the Music of Nukumanu. The Journal of the Polynesian Society, 115(4), 365-381.


KAITANI, M. (2007). Fiji's Approach to Addressing Poverty. Development Bulletin #(72), 71-73.


LANGMORE, D. (2005). 'Where Tides Meet': The Missionary Career of Constance (Paul) Fairhall in Papua. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 175-194). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


MACINTYRE, M., & FOALE, S. (2007). Land and Marine Tenure, Ownership, and New Forms of Entitlement on Lihir: Changing Notions of Property in the Context of a Goldmining Project. Human Organization, 66(1), 49-59. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


MACKAY, R. (2005). A Church in Papua or a Papuan Church? Conservatism and Resistance to Indigenous Leadership in a Melanesian Mission. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 154-174). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


MANOKA, B. (2007). Poverty in a Coastal Community: Economic Causes and Mitigating Strategies. Development Bulletin #(72), 40-43.


MCCUTCHEON, R. (2004). Richard F. Salisbury: A Chronological Bibliography. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 373-). Montréal: McGill University Libraries.


MCPHERSON, N. M. (2004). Gender and Cosmos Emplaced: Women's Houses and Men's Houses in Bariai, West New Britain, Papua New Guionea. Pacific Studies, 27(1/2), 68-96.


MORGAN, R. C. (2007). Property of Spirits: Hereditary and Global Value of Sea Turtles in Fiji. Human Organization, 66(1), 60-68. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


NONGGORR, J. (2006). Electoral Reforms - Improving Election Administration and Management. In Two Papers on Electoral Reform in Papua New Guinea (pp. 6-15). Canberra: State, Society and Governance in Melanesia (SSGM) Project, ANU and National Research Institute (NRI). Public Policy in Papua New Guinea Discussion Paper No. 2006 / 3.


O'NEALL, P. (2006). The Proposal to Establish District Authorities in the Province of Papua New Guinea. In Two Papers on the Proposed Decentralisation in Papua New Guinea (pp. 1-10). Canberra: State, Society and Governance in Melanesia (SSGM) Project, ANU and National Research Institute (NRI). Public Policy in Papua New Guinea Discussion Paper No. 2006 / 2.


OTTO, T. (2006). Warfare and Exchange in a Melanesian Society before Colonial Pacification: The Case of Manus, Papua New Guinea. In T. Otto, H. Thrane & H. Vandkilde (Eds.), Warfare and Society: Archaeological and Social Anthropologica Perspectives (pp. 187-199). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.


ROBBINS, J. (2007). Continuity Thinking and the Problem of Christian Culture: Belief, Time, and Anthropology of Christianity. Current Anthropology, 48(1), 5-17. Comments: 18 (by J. Barker); 18-19 (by F. Cannell); 19-20 (by S. Coleman); 20-21 (by A. Eriksen); 21-22 (by E. Keller); 24 (by T. Luhrmann); 25 (by S. MacCormack); 25-26 (by D. Maxwell); 26-27 (by J.D.Y. Peel); 27-28 (by B.B. Schieffelin); 28-29 (by E. Zehner); 29-33 (reply by J. Robbins); 33-38 (references cited).


RUTZ, H. J. (2004). Anthropological Economics. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 153-164). Montréal: McGill University Libraries.


RUTZ, H. J. (2004). Ethnography and Social Structure in New Guinea: The Early Years. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 11-27). Montréal: McGill University Libraries.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). An Anthropologist's Use of Historical Methods. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 123-132). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: Paper presented to the History Seminar, University of Papua and New Guinea, 7 July 1967.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). Asymmetrical Marriage Systems. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 61-81). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: American Anthropologist, 58, 1956.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). Formal Analysis in Anthropological Economics: The Rossel Island Case. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 179-196). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: Chapter 4, in Ira R. Buchler and Hugo G. Nutiti (eds), Game Theory in the Behavioral Sciences. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1968.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). Introduction - Vunamami: Economic Transformation in a Traditional Society. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 215-231). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: Vanumami: Economic Transformation in a Tradiotional Society, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). New Guinea Highland Models and Descent Theory. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 83-90). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: Man, 64 (Nov-Dec), 1964.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). Non-equilibrium Models in New Guinea Ecology: Possibilities of Cultural Extrapolation. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 197-214). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: Anthropologica, 17(2), 1975.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). Political Consolitation and Economic Development. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 107-122). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: Chapter 10, Vunamami: Economic Transformation in a Traditional Society, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). Siane Kinship: The Internal Structure of the Clan and the Child's Adaption to It. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 29-46). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: 'Siane: The Social Structure of the Siane People, Eastern Highlands, New Guinea,' Unpublished Report, 1954.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). Structuring Ignorance: The Genesis of a Myth in New Guinea. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 47-59). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: Anthropologica, NS, 8(2), 1966.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). The Anthropologist as Societal Ombutsman. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 269-279). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: David Pitt (ed.), Development fro Below, The Hague: Mouton, 1976.


SALISBURY, R. F. (2004). Transactional Politics: Factions and Beyond. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 133-151). Montréal: McGill University Libraries. Source: Marilyn Silverman and Richard F. Salisbury (eds), A House Divided: Anthropological Studies of Factionalism. St Joh's: Memorial University of Newfoundland (ISER), 1977.


SHAW, R. D. (2003). "Where Will You Sleep Tonight?" The Samo Longhouse, a Metaphor of Spatial and Social Structure. Pacific Studies, 26(3/4), 79-105.


SILVERMAN, M. (2004). In Memoriam et ad Futuram: The Anthropology of Richard F. Salisbury. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 1-9). Montréal: McGill University Libraries.


SILVERMAN, M. (2004). Political Anthropology: Systems, Transactions and Regions. In M. Silverman (Ed.), Ethnography and Development: The Work of Richard F. Salisbury (pp. 91-106). Montréal: McGill University Libraries.


TANNER, A. (2007). On Understanding Too Quickly: Colonial and Postcolonial Misrepresentation of Indigenous Fijian Land Tenure. Human Organization, 66(1), 69-77. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


THORNLEY, A. (2005). 'Through a Glass Darkly': Ownership of Fijian Methodism, 1850-80. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 132-153). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


TRAWEN, A. S. (2006). Electoral Reforms: Implications for the 2007 National Election. In Two Papers on Electoral Reform in Papua New Guinea (pp. 1-5). Canberra: State, Society and Governance in Melanesia (SSGM) Project, ANU and National Research Institute (NRI). Public Policy in Papua New Guinea Discussion Paper No. 2006 / 3.


TUCK, G. (2006). Improved Decentralization: The Work of the Public Sector Reform Advisory Group. In Two Papers on the Proposed Decentralisation in Papua New Guinea (pp. 15-23). Canberra: State, Society and Governance in Melanesia (SSGM) Project, ANU and National Research Institute (NRI). Public Policy in Papua New Guinea Discussion Paper No. 2006 / 2.


VAN HEEKEREN, D. (2003). Celebrating Mother's Day in a Melanesian Village Church. Pacific Studies, 26(3/4), 33-54.


VLASBLOM, D. (2007). Bekeerde werelden. NRC Handelsblad, # (14 April), 45. Review article of Joel Robbins, Becoming Sinners: Christianity and Moral Torment in a Papua New Guinea Society and 'Continuity Thinking and the Problem of Christian Culture: Belief, Time, and Anthropology of Christianity'.


WAGNER, J. (2007). Conservation as Development in Papua New Guinea: The View from Blue Mountain. Human Organization, 66(1), 28-37. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


WIESSNER, P. (2006). The Impact of Egalitairian Institutions on Warfare among the Enga: An Ethnohistorical Perspective. In T. Otto, H. Thrane & H. Vandkilde (Eds.), Warfare and Society: Archaeological and Social Anthropologica Perspectives (pp. 167-186). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.




DROOGLEVER, P. (2005). Een daad van vrije keuze: De Papoea's van westelijk Nieuw-Guinea en de grenzen van het zelfbeschikkingsrecht. Amsterdam: Boom. English summary retrieved Mai 10, 2007, from the Woprld Wide Web at: Reviews: Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 122(1), 2007: 65-71 (review article by R.E. Elson: Marginality, Morality and the Nationalist Impulse: Papua, the Netherlands and Indonesia: A Review Article); 72-90 (review article by H. Meijer: 'Geschiedenis is nu eenmaal altijd politiek': De studie-Drooglever als symptoom van de moeizame omgang van Nederland met het koloniaal verleden en de complexe relatie met Indonesië); 91-104 (review of the research and its result  in their institutional and political context by P.J. Drooglever: Een paar bedenkingen).


ILO. (2006). Social Protection for All Men and Women: A Sourcebook for Extending Social Security Coverage in Fiji: Options and Plans. Suva: International Labour Organization.


ILO. (2006). Social Protection for All Men and Women: A Sourcebook for Extending Social Security Coverage in Solomon Islands: Options and Plans. Suva: International Labour Organization.


ILO. (2006). Social Protection for All Men and Women: A Sourcebook for Extending Social Security Coverage in Vanuatu: Options and Plans. Suva: International Labour Organization.


KUA, B. (2006). Public Sector Reform in Papua New Guinea. Canberra: State, Society and Governance in Melanesia (SSGM) Project, ANU and National Research Institute (NRI). Public Policy in Papua New Guinea Discussion Paper No. 2006 / 1.


THOMAS, M. (2006). The Role of Donors in Papua New Guinea Development. Canberra: State, Society and Governance in Melanesia (SSGM) Project, ANU and National Research Institute (NRI). Public Policy in Papua New Guinea Discussion Paper No. 2006 / 6.


WOLFERS, E. P. (2006). Bougainville Autonomy - Implications for Governance and Decentralisation. Canberra: State, Society and Governance in Melanesia (SSGM) Project, ANU and National Research Institute (NRI). Public Policy in Papua New Guinea Discussion Paper No. 2006 / 5.




CARUCCI, L. M. (2003). The Church as Embodiment and Expression of Community on Ujelang and Enewetak, Marshall Islands. Pacific Studies, 26(3/4), 55-78.


OLES, B. (2007). Access and Alienation: The Promise and Threat of Stewardship on Mokil Atoll. Human Organization, 66(1), 78-89. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


PINHEY, T. K. (2004). Empty Nests and Paternal Well-being in an Asian-Pacific Population: An Exploratory Test. Pacific Studies, 27(1/2), 97-109.


SHUSTER, D. R. (2004). Elections on Guam, 1970-2002. Pacific Studies, 27(1/2), 22-67.




BOROVNIK, M. (2005). Remittances:An Informal but Indispensible Form of Income for Seafarer Families in Kiribati. Palmerston North: Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development (CIGAD), Massey University. CIGAD Working Papers No. 8/2005. Retrieved March 22, 2007, from the World Wide Web at:


ILO. (2006). Social Protection for All Men and Women: A Sourcebook for Extending Social Security Coverage in Kiribati: Options and Plans. Suva: International Labour Organization.




BENDER, A. (2007). Changes in Social Orientation: Threats to a Cultural Institution in Marine Resource Exploitation in Tonga. Human Organization, 66(1), 11-21. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


COX, K., TAYLES, N. G., & BUCKLEY, H. R. (2006). Forensic Identification of "Race": The Issues in New Zealand. Current Anthropology, 47(5), 869-874.


DOUGLAS, N. (2005). 'Unto the Islands of the Sea': The Erratic Beginnings of Mormon Missions in Polynesia, 1844-1900. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 241-265). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


DRIESSEN, H. (2005). The Trials and Tribulations of a Polynesian Priest. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 66-86). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


EVANS, M. (2007). Property, Propriety, and Ecology in Contemporary Tonga. Human Organization, 66(1), 22-27. Special issue: Customs, Commons, Property, and Ecology, edited by John Wagner and Mike Evans.


HAMILTON, A. (2005). God in Samoa and the Introduction of Catholicism. In P. Herda, M. Reilly & D. Hilliard (Eds.), Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion: Essays in Honour of Niel Gunson (pp. 87-105). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.


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