- Aesthetics
        - Style
                - Abstract
                - Allegory
                - Ancient
                - Avant Garde
                - Glamour
                - Gothic
                - Fantasy
                - Fantastic
                - Kitsch
                - Land Art
                - Modernism
                - Naïve
                - Naturalism
                - Queer
                - Realism
                - Schematic
                - Symbolism
        - Technique
                - Bichrome
                - Model Building
                - Monochrome
- Architecture
- Batik
- Bodydecoration
        - Body Painting
        - Flowers
        - Garlands
        - Hairstyles
        - Jewellery
                - Necklaces
        - Makeup
        - Mutilation
        - Ornaments
        - Scarification
        - Tattoo
- Carving
        - Hardstone Carving
        - Woodcarving
                - Malanggan
- Cinematography and Videography
- Circus
- Clowning
- Collage
- Dance
- Designs and Motives
        - Absences
        - Anthropomorphic
                - Faces
                - Hands
                - Genitals
                        - Phallusses
                        - Vulvas
        - Geometric
- Digital Art
        - Memes
- Drama
        - Pantomime
- Drawing
        - Sand Drawing
- Engraving
- Fabrics
        - Bark Cloth
        - Featherwork
        - Quilts
        - Wallpaper
        - Weaving
- Fashion
- Graffiti
- Installations
- Interactive Digital Art
- Kites
- Knots
- Lashing
- Literature
        - Oral Literature
                - Narrative
                - Rap
                - Recitation
                - Song
        - Written Literature
                - Poetry
                - Prose
                        - Fiction
                        - Non-fiction
                                 - Creative Non-fiction
- Lithography
- Mats and Basketry
- Mixed Media
- Model Making
- Murals
- Music
        - Melody
        - Pop Music
        - Rhythm
- Objects
        - Modern Indigenous Objects
        - Traditional Objects
        - Western Objects
- Oratory
- Painting
        - Modern Indigenous Painting
        - Traditional Painting
        - Western Painting
- Patterns
- Performances and Shows
        - Tableaux Vivants
- Photography
        - Daily Life
        - Landscapes
        - Portraits
- Plates
        - Wooden Plates
- Print
- Puppetry
- Reading Aloud
- Rock Art
- Sculpturing
- Sound Art
- Stencil
- Tapestry
- Vessels
        - Natural Fibre
        - Pottery
                - Lapita
                - Plain Ware
        - Wooden Bowls
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