- Abjection and Repulsion - Affection - Aggression and Anger - Aggrievedness - Alarm - Antipathy - Anxiety and Fear - Aversion and Disgust - Boredom - Compassion and Charity - Composedness - Concern - Confidence and Trust - Contempt - Despair |
- Discontent - Disenchantment - Disgust - Dismay - Disorientedness - Doubt and Disbelief - Expectancy - Fatalism - Feelings of Animosity - Feelings of Confidence - Feelings of Confort - Feelings of Discomfort - Feelings of Inferiority - Feelings of Insecurity - Feelings of Kinship |
- Feelings of Sympathy - Gratitude - Greed - Happiness and Joy - Hatred and Jealousy - Hesitant - Horror - Hubris - Hunger and Thirst - Lassitude - Longing - Love and Desire - Loyalty - Mourning and Grief - Nostalgia - Panic and Distress |
- Perplexity - Pity - Pleasure - Pride and Self-respect - Repugnance - Resentment - Revenge and Satisfaction - Sadness and Melancholy - Sense of Acceptance - Sense of Alienation - Sense of Annihilation - Sense of Awe - Sense of Being Alive - Sense of Belonging and Home - Sense of Community - Sense of Connectedness |
- Sense of Consolation - Sense of Dependency - Sense of Destiny - Sense of Difference - Sense of Doom - Sense of Duty - Sense of Emptiness - Sense of Harm - Sense of Humiliation - Sense of Hopelessness - Sense of Injustice - Sense of Intimacy - Sense of Liberation - Sense of Necessity and Calmness - Sense of Not Belonging an Nonacceptance - Sense of Ours and Not Ours - Sense of Place |
- Sense of Reality - Sense of Recognition - Sense of Rejection - Sense of Regret - Sense of Relief - Sense of Responsibility - Sense of Satisfaction - Sense of Security - Sense of Togetherness - Sense of Tragedy - Sense of Us and Not Us - Sorrow - Serenity - Surprise - Suspicion and Distrust - Sympathy - Tenderness |
- Tiredness - Uncertainty - Uneasiness and Reserve - Trust |