
- Accusations
- Appreaciative Discussions
- Argumentations
- Bragging
- Child-directed Speech
- Complaints
- Confessions
- Consolation
- Criticism
- Crying
- Dialogues
- Eulogies
- Excuses
- Feed-back
- Indecentness
- Indecorous Language
- Insults
- Interview
- Invitations
- Laments
- Language of Respect
- Lessons
- Medical Terminology
- Meeting Openings
- Monologues
- Oral Forms of Address
- Plain Language
- Poetic Language
- Promotion
- Proverbs
- Public Demands
- Sayings
- Sermons
- Shout-outs
- Slang
- Small Talk
- Speaking in Images
- Speeches
- Talanoa (Engaged Communication)
- Testimonies
- Talk Stori (Conversate or Share Stories)
- Tutala (Respectful Conversation)
- Veivosaki (Meaningful Conversation)
- Veiled Language
- Yarning (Identity Related Storytelling)

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