Occupational and Interest Groups

- Academics
- Accountants
- Activists
- Actors
- Agricultural Workers
- Aliens
- Amateurs
- Anthropologists
- Archaeologists
- Artists
- Asylum Seekers
- Bankers
- Blackface Minstrels
- Boat Builders
- Candidates
- Captives
- Carers
- Carpenters
- Carriers
- Carvers
        - Woodcarvers
- Childcare Workers
- Choristers
- Citizens
- Consumers
- Convicts
- Curators
- Customers
- Deportees
- Designers
- Development Experts
- Disabled People
- Domestic Servants
- Drivers
- Education Workers
        - Indigenous Education Workers
- Emissaries
- Employees
- Engineers
- Entrepreneurs
- Explorers
- Ex-convicts
- Farmers
        - Graziers
- Fathers
- Gang Associates
- Guardians
- Guerrilla Fighters
- Homesigners
- House Builders
- Housewives
- Hunters
- Indentured Labourers
- Indigenes
- Intellectuals
- Intermediaries
        - Advocators
        - Brokers
        - Custodians
        - Guides
        - Informants
        - Interpreters
        - Middlemen
        - Non-human Mediators
- Inventors
- Journalists
- Landowners
- Leaders
- Learned Women
- Legal Experts (Jurists)
        - Judges
                - Foreign Judges
- Maecenas
- Managers
- Market Sellers
- Medical Personnel and Health Workers
- Members of Parliament (MPs)
- Mentors
- Migrants
- Mining Employees
- Mothers
- Musicians
- NGO Workers
- Non-cishet People
- Non-professionals
- Parents
- Patients
- Patrol Officers
- Passengers
- People of Knowledge and Wisdom
- Performers
- Peasants
- Philosophers
- Physicians
- Pioneers
- Planters
- Police Officers
- Policymakers
- Potters
- Princes
- Psychologists
- Rangers
- Refugees
- Researchers
- Residents
- Ritual Speakers
- Sailors (Seafarers)
- School Leavers
- Scientists
- Self-represented Litigants
- Serodiscordant Couples
- Sex Workers
- Servicemen
- Shepherds
- Social Scientists
- Soldiers
- Stockmen
- Storytellers
- Students
        - Gifted Students
        - Resident Students
- Supervisors
- Survivors
- Tourists
- Traditional Owners
- Trackers
- Traders
- Traditional Healers
- Traditional Land Owners
- University Graduates
- Vagrants
- Victims
- Voyagers
- Warriors
- Weathermen
- Welfare Recipients
- Witnesses
- Workers
        - Seasonal Workers
        - Skilled Workers
- Writers
- War Brides

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